Component measurement

Component measurement is an important discipline of metrology and an essential part of quality control. It is subject to a constant change of requirements and represents a continuously growing field of activity. Particularly in the case of complex assemblies with several components, operational capability cannot be guaranteed without exact measurement of the individual components and the resulting guaranteed compliance with the tolerance specifications. It therefore makes sense to take advantage of professional consulting services regarding component measurement as early as the project planning phase. With modern measuring equipment, it is possible to precisely measure both the smallest and the largest components and component complexes. For example, the dimensional accuracy of external contours, the form and position tolerances of internal contours or the roundness of individual components are checked. Depending on the measurement task, a wide variety of tactile and optical measurement methods of 2D and 3D metrology are used, which can also be combined to obtain meaningful and accurate data sets. A professional assessment is indispensable for determining the right measuring devices and concepts in order to find suitable combinations for the respective measuring tasks.

We find the perfect solution for your project.

Contact us if you have questions to our services in the area of 3D metrology. We are looking forward supporting you in your success.

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