The Bessel points are the two symmetrically arranged support points of a longitudinal beam at which it experiences the lowest possible gravity-induced deformation. These points were named by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, who calculated them for the first time as part of the Prussian measurement system. If a homogeneous and equally loaded beam rests on two supports in its bearing, it will experience a gravity-induced deformation that will also negatively affect its length. The same applies to measuring plates, which experience deflection due to their own weight. These deformations can be fatal for precision measuring plates, so it makes sense in the interest of metrology to minimize them. This is where the Bessel points, which indicate the optimum support points, help to reduce this deformation and shortening as much as possible. Depending on the object, there are two or three Bessel points. Mathematical formulas help to determine the Bessel points, because they have to be determined individually for each object.